James Hayes Shofner Cooper (June 19, 1954)

James Hayes Shofner Cooper For many of us, our religious doctrine and political party preferences are inherited traits from our forefathers. Unconsciously, we often mimic the belief systems of those who had the most profound effect on our lives, never questioning how they derived their conclusions and convictions. It is a dangerous precedent for anyone to follow. And without boldly asking questions of our creed, culture, or political leaders, we face the peril of being a useful idiot to our political parties and our religious leaders. Just as many Democrats have become complacent in their political party's duplicity, so have the Republican party constituents become their party's "useful idiots." Blindly, voters from both parties support someone politically because a "D" or "R" follows behind the candidate's name. They fail to thoroughly research the history, competence, capabilities, and dogma of the person seeking their vote. Just...