
Showing posts from January, 2024

Argentine "Argie" Shofner (April 3, 1873 - April 4, 1954)

Argentine "Argie" Shofner As a young girl, I only had one positive female role model.  That was my mother, Sara Nell Davis.  My mother, who was strong-minded, expressive, and determined, desperately wanted her daughters to be open with their viewpoints and void of fear in expressing them.   My mother did not want her daughters raised in the manner she had been.  She wanted us to vocalize our opinions freely and to negate the previous rules that our ancestors had followed.   Her father raised her to believe that women could not have independent thought and that her viewpoint should consistently shadow either her father's or her husband's opinion.   My mother successfully raised two independent daughters, who certainly have a way of doing things the way they choose to despite being deemed unacceptable or inappropriate by others.    However, as I grow older, I have discovered that quiet grace and elegance can also illustrate strength a...

William Prentice Cooper - The Road To Tennessee Governor, Part IV (September 28, 1895 - May 18, 1969)

Governor William Prentice Cooper I f it is true that the person in power is the one that dictates how the story gets written, then history will regard imposters Biden and Harris as great leaders and not as the corrupt criminals that should have defined them. Sadly, the American mainstream media will play a vital role in creating Harris and Biden's fictional history. A recent poll by Rasmussen Reports illustrated the mainstream's abilities to manipulate facts and data. The poll showed that the viewers who admitted that MSNBC and CNN were their favorite news outlets were far more likely to get the facts wrong regarding crime statistics in America. According to Justin Haskins, writer, columnist, and Editorial Director of the Heartland Institute, "There is a strong correlation between a likely voter's favorite television show and his or her understanding of basic facts about police shootings and homicides revolving rifles." Their lack of knowledge extends be...