Edna Earle Davis (December 25, 1950)

So metimes, I question God's purposes and plans. However, they are something I have always believed in. Every week, as I am flipping through our television channels, inevitably flashed before me is a televangelist preaching from his camera-lit pulpit. For the most part, the thematic summation of the sermons is that if you pray hard enough, live totally without sin, and, of course, tithe, you will see the pearly gates of heaven. It usually emphasizes that if you follow those three simple instructions (especially to tithe), you will be rewarded with peace and prosperity here on Earth. Of course, their belief system is hugely flawed. Skimmed over are the verses within the white pages of the Bible that express that none of us are without sin and that only God's child, Jesus, is perfect and flawless. They ignore the stories within the Bible foretelling the trials and tribulations endured by God's apostles and others merely to fulfill God's purpose, God's plan. In...